Beth SKMorris, award winning
poet whose poems take us to
"deeply personal worlds full
of reminders and surprises."
Available now! Beth's new poetry collection- "Nowhere to be Found." Check out "What's New?" for details. 
Proud to announce that IN THE AFTERMATH- 9/11 Through 
a Volunteer's Eyes has won an HONORABLE MENTION award 
from the prestigious NORTH STREET BOOK PRIZE in poetry. 
Here's what the judges said...
      "SKMorris starts by showing us the scenes we know
      too well- the gray ash of buildings and bodies coating
      Lower Manhattan...But then she follows up, as few 
      writers on this topic have done, with a montage of scenes
      stretching out over the next 19 years...For those of us who
      lived through the event, it's a cathartic and tender read."

or, by the Amazon Author Page, Beth SKMorris
       *Signed author copies may be obtained by contacting       


    June 6, 2023- 79th anniversary of D-Day 
    and the second anniversaryof the book
    launch for IN THE AFTERMATH- 9/11 
    Through a Volunteer's Eyes from the NYC
    Fire Museum.
The YouTube video of the book launch is still available. 
      Search:"in the aftermath   bskmorris" to view it.

                    IN THE AFTERMATH- 9/11 Through a Volunteer's Eyes 
              available at Amazon Bookstore, signed copies through-
       & through Paypal (bethsabard)

    Let's not forget the sacrifices made on June 6, 1944
                      and on September 11, 2001 
  Proud to announce another prestigious      
      award for IN the AFTERMATH-9/11 

   One of two poetry books selected in over 
  300+ finalists!!!




Surprise, Surprise!!!

FINALIST in the Poetry Category for

IN THE AFTERMATH- 9/11 Through 

a Volunteer's Eyes

  Honored for the recognition. Not 

  only for the book but for all the first 

  responders, recovery workers &

  volunteers at Ground Zero, 

  especially since the 20th

  anniversary of cleanup & recovery 

  took place on May 30,2022 at the

  National 9/11 Memorial & Museum

  in NYC. We will remember you...



Praise for... 

      "In the Aftermath-

           9/11 Through 

      a Volunteer's Eyes"

Book Launch from the NYC Fire 

Museum: from the Chat Room--- 

"Strength, beauty, courage, sadness, 

care all come through your reading.

"Brava, Beth. Beautiful, Moving.

"Your poems captured the gravity 

of 9/11. All the sadness comes back 

Thank you for memorializing this 

terrible time.

"Powerful rendering of your experience. 

Especially poignant to hear multiple perspectives, 

and see how differently the impact was felt depending 

on one's role."

And from the Reviewers...

"Nostalgic and poignant, honorary 

and honest, with a voice raw and 

uniquely its own, this collection 

captures the immediate and distant 

aftermath of a tragedy still prominent 

in American minds."


    the US REVIEW of Books


          ****4 out of 4 Star****

 Rating from the OnLine 

         Book Club!


        *****Five out of Five Star Rating

from Book Commentary

                Now a part of the 
       archive, "POETRY of 9/11"

   Books can be also be purchased 
  Amazon Books-beth skmorris
                 or by contacting, 

"Not Like Orpheus"  

from In the Aftermath- 9/11 Through a Volunteer's Eyes.
An excerpt of the poem appears below:

       I made myself stay                       
in the passenger seat,
    used my asthma as an excuse,
rolled up the windows when we
    got to the Pile, let others unload 
  water and candy from the van...

The 9/11 Memorial Glade at the 9/11 Memorial
and Museum, NYC honoring all those first
responders who have died of 9/11 related
diseases since September 11, 2001.

Excerpt from "At the Memorial"

Three Thousand photos
Dress uniforms, wedding gowns
Bind the museum walls
Youth rising above the pit
Lives descending into stone

FLASH!- "Nowhere to be Found" 

             still available for 

holidays, graduations and birthdays, 

for poetry lovers of ALL ages...


             Nowhere to be Found



A life's journey including every form of poetry to please the reader's 

heart and mind. The perfect gift for every occasion and every poetry 

lover in your life.




"Nowhere to be Found" can be purchased directly 

on Amazon Books (beth skmorris) & directly through where discounts 

for multiple copies are available.You can also 

follow Beth on facebooklinkedin