
Beth SKMorris  
Award winning poet & author

                 Beth SK Morris

                       has just released--- 

           In the Aftermath

           9/11 Through a Volunteer's Eyes 

            in commemoration of the 20th                                                          anniversary 

                      September 11, 2021

"For the First Responders, recovery workers, & volunteers who assisted in the cleanup of Ground Zero in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001."

Readers and reviewers alike 

applaud her "finely crafted and deeply moving poems" that cast an unflinching eye upon her volunteer days at the WTC Ground Zero 

Relief Project and the subsequent years with memories of those who died, mourned, survived; those who cleaned up and restored, those who volunteered, those who prayed."Her  poetry speaks powerfully resonant truths" and takes us "into strangely private worlds that somehow feel so like our own."

PINNACLE BOOK ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for Poetry (National Association Book Entrepreneurs), Fall 2021**

               August 11, 2021
              You Tube video                                                                     of
                       Book Launch!!
                From the NYC Fire Museum


NOTE*** Now available on youtube for Public viewing.
For more information about Beth's latest events, readings, and publications, contact her via email at:
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(From: In the Aftermath)

Stand up for the names.
Try to make it to the end.

Legs give out at "G."